In “Getting Started: The Basic Technologies of the Web,” Cohen describes how web pages “require more shepherding” and that books or “physical manifestations of human expressions” will “likely survive for generations.” I find this to be extremely interesting to look at, considering how in this day in age, society is starting to learn towards a much more digital world. Schools and business are beginning to transition to having all of their primary work done online, whether it be through crunching numbers now into a computer instead of log books, or using online textbooks in schools. The majority of research that is being done now is through the web by using web browsers to look up hundreds of different sites.
This all relates because, like Cohen describes, web pages need to constantly be monitored and updated to make sure they are not hacked, tampered with, corrupted, or simply obsolete. Before the whole digital age, books and paper were able to be stored and used as solid records. Instead of having to search through thousands of web sites, a person could read two or three books and find all of the necessary information. It is difficult to maintain a reliable web page without keeping constant watch of the content. With this being said, how does the future plan to make the web a reliable and secure network of information? Paper and pen is slowly being edged out, and while text in a book can last centuries, thousands of web pages are hacked, deleted, and altered every day.